File Operation

Listing File and directories
When you first login, your current working directory is your home directory. Your home directory has the same name as your user-name, for example, ee91ab, and it is where your personal files and subdirectories are saved.To find out what is in your home directory, type

ls :- The ls command ( lowercase L and lowercase S ) lists the contents of your current working directory.

ls -l

Here is the information about all the listed columns −
  • First Column − Represents the file type and the permission given on the file. Below is the description of all type of files.
  • Second Column − Represents the number of memory blocks taken by the file or directory.
  • Third Column − Represents the owner of the file. This is the Unix user who created this file.
  • Fourth Column − Represents the group of the owner. Every Unix user will have an associated group.
  • Fifth Column − Represents the file size in bytes.
  • Sixth Column − Represents the date and the time when this file was created or modified for the last time.
  • Seventh Column − Represents the file or the directory name.

ls -a :-  It will display hidden file.

mkdir:- it use to create the directories.

cd :- This command is used to change the directory.

pwd:- Display the current working directory.

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